As a machine learning enthusiast completed following projects as part of learning.
- Linear regression to predict profit
- Linear regression to answer
- If a movie win award in oscar or is created by oscar award winning director/actor/actress, is it tend to have higher ratings in movie review websites?
- Data analysis to answer
- Is gun ownership rate of republican supporters signifacantly different than democrat supporters?
- Data analysis to answer
- How sleep duration is related with general health?
- How cholesterol is related with heart disease?
- How mental health is related with gender?
- Logistic regression to predict admission verdict
- Regularized logistic regression to predict QA result
- Regularized linear regression to predict flow and bias, variance tradeoff
- K-means clustering for reducing image size
- Principal component analysis (PCA) for dimensionality reduction
- Support vector machine (SVM) as spam classifier
- Search engine from scratch